Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Carpet Pad Disposal

I thought I would write a quick blog post talking about the proper way to dispose of used carpet padding. Now we all have a responsibility to make sure we do our part to preserve and protect our environment and it has come to my attention that many people are unaware of how they can dispose of their used carpet pad in an eco-friendly way. So this post should help you all out with that. In every major city that I have ever worked in they have what is known amongst installers as a "pad house". This is a place where installers go to both buy carpet pad and dispose of old carpet pad. What do these pad houses do? Simply put, they take old used carpet pad and recycle it. They then sell the recycled pad at a discount when compared to new pad and this is why installers love these places. Instead of paying a dump to dispose of their pad, they can take it to the pad house where they will be paid money for bringing in the old pad. Now this isn't huge money but it sure beats paying the landfill to dispose of the old stuff. So if you are planning on remodeling your home, I would encourage you to take some time and research where a pad house exists in your community. A simple google search of carpet pad recyclers YOURCITY should put you on the right track to finding a pad house in your area. You can also talk to a few local carpet installers who should also be able to point you in the right direction.

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