Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Commercial Carpet Tile

For companies looking to renovate existing office space, commercial carpet tile is often a popular option for a variety of reasons. One reason is that commercial carpet tile is one of the most durable and least expensive flooring options available anywhere. These offer business owners the peace of mind of a durable floor without the large expenditure of other durable options. Commercial carpet comes anywhere from 18oz to 60 oz in weight. Quality carpet tile tend to fall in the middle of this spectrum usually somewhere around 35oz. Typical installation is a basic glue down trimmed with a typical vinyl base cove. When choosing a carpet company to install commercial carpet tile make sure that you thoroughly vet the company and ensure that they have all of the proper equipment to do a professional job. If there is old carpet that needs to be removed the company should have the proper commercial equipment to get the job done right. There are a variety of machines that can remove carpet from office buildings but my personal favorite is what a I call the "Blade Monster". I will hunt around for a picture of this guy but he is a 200 lb. + beast with a large sharp blade protruding from the front. Think of a hockey Zamboni with a blade in front. That is what the Blade Monster looks like and it gets the job done fast and right! While a company certainly doesn't have to have the blade monster to be professional the better the equipment, the better the company(usually at least). Overall commercial carpet tile is a great option for any business that needs to remodel or renovate their facilities. It should also be considered for new office and commercial construction. Its high durability combined with its low price makes it a win-win for builders everywhere.

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